Protecting the nature of Islam
Green Islam is an international non-profit environmental organization promoting ethical and sustainable lifestyle practices among Muslims. Through research, educational campaigns, and advocacy, we highlight Islamic teachings of peace, justice, and compassion toward fellow humans, animals, and the environment.
“The world is beautiful and green, and verily Allah, the Exalted, has made you His stewards in it…” - Sahih Muslim
Stewards of the Earth
As Stewards of the Earth, we must act responsibly and swiftly to face the global environmental crisis. Reconnect with Islamic ethical living and take action in the following ways:
What We’re Doing
Green Islam is engaging Muslims around the globe to tackle the environmental crisis head-on. Learn more about the exciting work we’re doing.
“Corruption has spread on land and sea as a result of what people’s hands have done, so that Allah may cause them to taste (the consequences of) some of their deeds that perhaps they might return (to righteousness).” - Qur’an, 30:41
The Climate Crisis & What You Can Do
The Ummah is faced with worsening food shortages, floods, droughts, rising temperatures, health risks, displacement, and more. It is imperative we become responsible Stewards of Allah's (SWT) world before the consequences of our modern lifestyle are beyond repair.
The coming years are vital in the fight against the climate crisis. Understand the causes, the effects, and how you can take action.
With increasing instances of floods, wildfires, and droughts across the Muslim world, accompanied by a rise in health risks, poverty and displacement, as well as a loss of biodiversity, the world is quickly heading toward the point of no return.
Our fossil-fuel-based global energy system is a significant cause of greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, with increasing animal farming and deforestation, as well as our hyper-consumerist lifestyle causing air pollution, toxic waste, and water contamination, we are disrupting the balance of nature and posing a severe risk to all life on Earth.
Small actions lead to big change. Whether it’s changing your diet or planting a tree - every step is vital in attaining a greener and safer world. All of us must play our part and take action in our everyday lives to tackle the climate crisis.
Environmental Lessons from The Prophet (SAW)
You can make a difference
Visit our global directories of businesses and non-profits across the Muslim world that are engaged in tackling the climate crisis
Inspiring Stories
Inspiring stories of Muslim environmentalists and change-makers from around the world!
Setting the Record Straight
Debunking myths about climate change, veganism, the environment, and Islamic lessons.
Research and Report
Learn more about the climate crisis, Islam’s environmental message, and much more.