Green Islam Addresses All 17 UN SDGs
In 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the 193 member states of the United Nations, including all Muslim-majority countries. The SDGs are a call to action to protect the planet, combat inequality, and end poverty by 2030.
We believe that Islam, through its ethical, legal, and social considerations addresses the purpose and issues that lie at the heart of the SDGs. The Qur’an and the Sunnah actively encourage Muslims to work towards a better world by striving in Allah’s (SWT) way for the betterment of humanity and preserving life on Earth.
Through the wide-ranging nature of our work and our commitment to research, advocacy, and community engagement projects, Green Islam is positively contributing to all of the SDGs and working towards a more ethical and sustainable planet.
Our Primary Sustainable Development Goals
Green Islam’s mission and work primarily address the following SDGs.
The sustainable management of clean water is at risk across the globe.
Every year millions of tons of plastic and chemical waste is released into the oceans, seas, and rivers, putting marine ecosystems under risk.
Our global food system, with its inefficient water usage and waste leakage is also jeopardizing clean water across the world.
At Green Islam, we:
Advocate for the adoption of a sustainable lifestyle through our research and ethical living guides.
Encourage reduced consumption and the adoption of sustainable alternatives to reduce waste and preserve water across the globe.
Promote a vegan lifestyle that can enhance water use efficiency, decrease water pollution, and protect water-based ecosystems.
Visit our Green Living Guide for more information on our sustainability recommendations. Also see how our research is advocating for this cause, here.
Our fossil-fuel based energy sector is the largest contributor to global climate change.
Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas used for our electricity, heat, and transport needs account for more than 70% of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Fossil fuels release GHGs like carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide which blanket the Earth and trap the Sun’s heat.
These GHGs also contribute to a rise in pollution in the form of smog and acid rain.
At Green Islam, we:
Oppose fossil fuel-based energy through the dissemination of research highlighting its disastrous impacts on the planet.
Actively promote the adoption and increase in the worldwide share of renewable energy and sustainable alternatives through our research and lifestyle guidance.
Learn more about our research output and how it is advocating against fossil-fuel based energy, here.
Excessive pollution and waste-production is destroying our cities and lands.
Around 50% of global waste ends up in landfills across cities, whilst a further 22% is left uncollected.
Air pollution is constantly on the rise - around 95% of the world’s population is exposed to air pollution levels that exceed the WHO’s safe limits, resulting in severe health risks.
At Green Islam, we:
Promote sustainable lifestyle practices among citizens through resources such as the Green Living Guide.
Advocate for sustainable living at the individual level, through practical guidance on recycling and waste management, as well as community level strategies such as the adoption of public transport.
Promote green builders and urban developers operating in the Muslim world.
See our Green Living Guide where we provide everyday, actionable strategies on adopting a more sustainable lifestyle. Also visit our global Eco Business Directory where we highlight sustainable enterprises operating across the Muslim world.
Extravagant and irresponsible consumerism lies at the heart of the environmental crisis.
The excessive demand for animal products is driving climate change and leading species into extinction.
Animal agriculture alone is responsible for more GHG emissions than all forms of transportation.
About 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted annually.
The fashion industry contributes significantly to water wastage, which could otherwise be utilized to support deprived communities. It uses enough water annually to meet the needs of five million people.
Annually, around 400 million tons of hazardous waste is produced by industries across the globe.
At Green Islam, we:
Advocate for the adoption of an ethical and sustainable attitude toward our consumption habits.
Promote the adoption of plant-based diets.
Emphasize the reduction of our consumption, and promoting habits of reusing and recycling.
Promote and feature sustainable businesses operating across the Muslim world.
See our global directory of sustainable businesses here. Also learn what our research says on living a more ethical and sustainable life as a consumer, and visit our Green Living Guide to see how we provide simple, everyday strategies for sustainable living.
The fight against the global environmental crisis and promoting climate action lies at the heart of Green Islam’s mission.
At Green Islam, we:
Collate research relating to Islamic teachings on sustainability and ethical living in harmony with the environment.
Disseminate research to academic as well general audiences through articles, academic publications, research panels, and webinars.
Produce infographics, short videos, and documentaries that addresses ethical living through an Islamic lens, and share with audiences using various online platforms.
Generate tool-kits to aid activists operating in Muslim countries.
Conduct outreach and collaborate with Islamic leaders to spread our message of ethical living with their congregations and audiences.
Collaborate with activists and advocates from across the Muslim world to conduct events promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness.
Through research, advocacy, and various community engagement projects, we highlight how each of us must play our part and take action in tackling the climate crisis.
Visit these pages to learn more about our research, advocacy, and community projects.
Marine life faces an existential threat.
Millions of tons of plastic and chemical waste are being released into seas, oceans, and rivers each year.
Expanding animal agriculture is giving rise to the eutrophication of water bodies leading to aquatic ‘dead zones’ where underwater life struggles to survive.
Excessive fishing is leading to a disruption in the aquatic food web putting marine life at risk.
At Green Islam, we:
Raise awareness about the harm that our lifestyle practices, and the enormous amounts of waste they generate, have on diverse underwater ecosystems.
Highlight the broader threats stemming from industries such as the fishing and animal agriculture industry, the fashion industry, and consumerism in general.
Emphasize the importance of conscientious choices and advocate for the adoption of sustainable alternatives considering the environmental toll of the above mentioned industries.
See our Green Living Guide where we offer a simple formula for a more sustainable lifestyle that helps cut plastic usage, reduce pollution and waste, and minimize our impact on life below water.
In addition (and related) to the climate crisis, the planet is also facing a biodiversity crisis.
Millions of animal and plant species could face extinction if the present unsustainable lifestyle trends continue.
Mass deforestation for agricultural land is destroying habitats and driving species into extinction.
A biodiversity collapse would lead to a future where our global food and water supplies, and the economic system at large, would be severely endangered.
At Green Islam, we:
Advocate for the preservation of the environment and all animal life based on Islamic teachings of environmental stewardship.
Promote the adoption of a vegan lifestyle.
Oppose the large-scale deforestation for animal agriculture which threatens the habitats and lives of millions of animals and plant species.
See our research to learn how we’re raising awareness and sharing information on this vital topic to enhance environmental stewardship within the global Muslim community.
Large-scale and systemic violence, including and especially warfare, is a threat to the planet and all life forms on it.
In addition to the tragic loss of human and animal life, large-scale conflict results in a rise in greenhouse gas emissions, chemical pollution, and the destruction of terrestrial and marine habitats.
The present animal agriculture industry perpetuates incredibly inhumane and violent treatment toward farmed animals, as well as being an active threat to other forms of biodiversity.
Green Islam is committed to the values of peace and justice for all sentient beings created by the Almighty.
We take an anti-war stance and are committed to highlighting the devastating human and environmental impacts of large-scale conflict.
We stand in opposition to the inhumane and cruel treatment of animals by the modern animal agriculture industry and believe it to be an affront to Islam’s teachings of compassion to all of Allah’s (SWT) creatures.
We call for the dignified treatment of humans, animals, and the environment at large as Allah’s (SWT) appointed Stewards on Earth.
For more information of our values and purpose as an organization, see here.
A central aspect of Green Islam’s work model focuses on coalition building.
We network, collaborate, and develop synergies with similar organizations and activists from across the Muslim world.
We strive to advance the environmental and vegan cause within Muslim communities by developing thought leadership and global partnerships.
We conduct international events in partnership with other organizations aiming to promote sustainability and environmental consciousness within Muslim communities.
Learn about our Green Iftar events where, through collaboration with various activists and organizations, we conduct sustainable, inter-faith, plant-based iftar events across the Muslim world.
Our Secondary Sustainable Development Goals
Owing to the broad nature of our research and advocacy, as well as the interconnectedness of the issues addressed by the SDGs, our work positively contributes towards the following goals as well:
The climate crisis does not impact all people equally.
Developing countries are disproportionately more affected by the crisis.
They experience a significantly greater number of extreme weather events, which contributes to a rise in poverty, displacement, and loss of lives.
It is estimated that climate change could push up to 130 million people into poverty by 2050.
At Green Islam, we:
Believe that the fight against climate change is also a fight against poverty.
Are striving for a safer, more sustainable world for vulnerable populations in developing nations through awareness, research, and advocacy efforts.
Our global food system is highly inefficient and wasteful.
Only 55% of the world’s crop calories are fed to people directly, whereas the rest are used to feed livestock (36%) and turned into biofuels and industrial products (9%).
With an estimated 17% of all global food production being wasted each year, our inefficient and wasteful global consumption habits are increasing world hunger.
Animal agriculture threatens precious resources such as habitable land and freshwater, and destroys soil quality, contributing to a further rise in hunger and food insecurity across the globe.
At Green Islam, we:
Advocate for a global shift toward sustainable, plant-based farming.
Promote a plant-based farming model directing the majority of our caloric output towards humans.
Aim for a sustainable approach to farming where precious resources such as habitable land, freshwater, and healthy soil can be preserved.
The global food system lies at the heart of many major contemporary health challenges:
Over 60% of infectious diseases and 75% of "emerging" infectious diseases are zoonotic i.e. diseases transferred from animals to humans through means such as raising, harvesting and eating animals.
The unchecked consumption of animal products has led to a rise in fatal diseases such as diabetes and cancer.
At Green Islam, we:
Support the adoption of a vegan lifestyle and plant-based diets, which are widely acknowledged for their human health benefits.
Aim to raise awareness regarding the benefits of a vegan lifestyle to bolster its adoption within the Muslim world through our research and media productions.
At Green Islam, we are committed to:
Spreading knowledge and awareness regarding sustainable lifestyles and development through our research and media productions.
Advocating for peace, justice, and widespread environmental literacy.
The climate crisis is a gendered issue.
An estimated 80% of all people displaced by climate change are women.
Women are also more likely to suffer from poor mental health, domestic violence, and food insecurity following extreme weather events.
Green Islam’s struggle against the climate crisis is also a struggle for the welfare of women across the Muslim world.
Green Islam aims to promote sustainable economic growth within the Muslim world. To achieve this goal, we:
Promote sustainable businesses operating in Muslim countries and advocating for conscious and ethical consumerism.
Highlight green organizations through our global directory of sustainable businesses from across the Muslim world, working in various industries such as restaurants, tourism, consultants, construction, and much more.
We support sustainable industrialization within the Muslim world. To achieve this goal, we:
Highlight green builders and consultants operating in the Muslim world through our global directory.
Actively encourage our audience to opt for sustainable businesses, so that such enterprises can be elevated as the mainstream business model in Muslim countries across the globe.
Our opposition to the global food system and other contributors to the climate crisis is an opposition to contemporary forms of socio-economic inequality.
Climate change affects the global poor disproportionately more.
Government subsidies from developed nations support animal agriculture, instead of organic fruits and vegetables, which are virtually inaccessible for marginalized demographics.
Green Islam’s work is aimed at transforming the global food system and combatting the climate crisis to end such structural inequalities by raising awareness of and promoting sustainable lifestyles.
Learn More About Green Islam’s Work
Find out more about our work and contribution toward the Sustainable Development Goals by visiting our sections on research, advocacy, and community projects.